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Template Grading

To provide an overall mark for an assessment the grading feature needs to be configured. To access the grading feature  the user should:


  1. Navigate to “Templates” in the main navigation bar.
  2. Open an existing template and click “Create Draft” or create a new one.
  3. Navigate to the “Set Grading” tab.


The template must have its requirements and scoring configured before setting up the grades. The system will choose a default scoring and grading scheme, but these generally need to be customised by the user.

There are 6 different types of grading that can be used.


1. Absolute – The weights ( values ) of the scores are calculated to a total rounded up whole number. E.g. 75/250


2. Percentage – the total value of the assessment is calculated, and a percentage is calculated as its overall mark. The system uses this type by default.


3.Percentage (with section grading) – this is the same as above, but additionally grades each section.  Eg. overall the assessment may be a pass at 80%, but you will see the percentage for each section and whether it is considered a pass or fail.


4.Percentage deducted from 100 – This Grading type will deduct the weights on the scores from 100. This means it is possible to be given a negative percentage. E.g If I use the default Yes/No scoring scheme and have 15 requirements, the lowest possible score I could be given is -50%. This is because Yes has a weight of 10, which will turn to -10.



This type of grading would typically require a new scoring scheme as the weights now become negatives weights, where with other grading schemes, they are positive.

5.Rules based – rules are a sequence of pre-defined conditions that evaluate an assessments grade, based on how many specific scores are chosen within an assessment. For example:


Example of Rules Based Grading



Define the Assessment Scoring Scheme:

Scores: Pass, Fail, NA


Define the Grades using Rules ( conditions )

Grade: Compliant

Rule: If “pass” >= 6 and “Fail” <=1


Grade: Non-Compliant

Rule: If “pass” < 6 and “Fail” > 1


So this states that an assessment will only get a “compliant” grade if it has 6 or more “pass” scores, AND 1 or less “fail” scores in it. Otherwise if the assessment has less than 6 “pass” scores AND more than 1 “Fail” score then it’s grade will be “Non-Compliant”.

6.Non-Graded – the assessment won’t be graded. This can typically be used when the assessment is evaluated solely by the scores, or if it’s just a checklist type assessment.


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