
The dashboard is an overview of the system. It is split up into 2-3 sections

  • Alerts(This section will only show if you enable Alerts in Report settings).
  • Assessments Performance.
  • Non-Conformances.

At the top of the dashboard there are three options:

  • Download a roll-up report.
  • Schedule New Assessment.
  • Date picker.


This section will display the Alert name, color, the status along with how many there are in the system.


The next two sections Assessments Performance and Non-Conformance have their own independent Filters but will still use the Date Selector at the top of the page.To learn more about these click here .

Assessments Performance

  • Submitted Audits (Made up from Pending and In Progress assessments).
  • Pending Audits.
  • InProgress Audits.
  • Overdue Audits.
  • Active Assessments Overview (Made up from Ready To Close and In Review assessments).
  • Scheduled Assessments Overview (Made up from Pending and In Progress assessments).
  • Top Assessments Grades.
  • Completed Assessments by Status.
  • Submitted Assessments OnTime Vs. Late.


  • Open Ncs.
  • InProgress Ncs.
  • InReview Ncs.
  • Reopened Ncs.
  • Closed Ncs.
  • Non-Conformances by Status Bar Chart.
  • Non-Conformances by Status Pie Chart.
  • Active Non-Conformances Overview thermometer chart.
  • Active Non-Conformances Trend Over Time.
  • Non-Conformances by Score.
  • Active Non-Conformances Overview Pie Chart.
  • Non-Conformance Categories.
  • Top 10 Non-Conformance Categories.
  • Non-Conformance Word Cloud.
  • Non-Conformances Per User.
  • Closed Non-Conformances On-Time Vs. Late.

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