• Creating an Audit Template

    To view video click here Creating a template is as easy as it gets Scroll down for video tutorials Navigate to Templates. Click “New Template“ Enter in a name, scoring scheme, select your asset and whatever elements you want to be active by default on the template. Click “Create“. Adding…

  • Categories

    To view a Video Click here Categories allow you to have Predetermined NC categories, Common Corrective actions and Requirement Tags. This saves time and is great for standardised reporting. To create a new category : Navigate to Templates > Categories. Click on “New Category“. Enter in a name under the…

  • Conditions

    Conditions are a way to control the flow of the Audit while being conducted. Think of them as a Flow chart : if a requirement is answered a certain way, it could split off from the normal flow and do something else. There are 4 types of conditions you can…

  • Templates Site & Depts

    You are able to restrict which users are able to see which Templates through Sites & Departments configuration. When you are creating a Site you are able to assign the site Templates this will give them access to all departments in that Site, you are then able to Deselect certain…

  • Applying a Scoring Scheme

    Once you have created a scoring scheme, you need to apply it to the template. You can do this in three ways : Template Default, Per Section or Per Requirement. Template Default can be set when you are creating the Template or in the Template Builder. During creation Navigate to…

  • Additional Input Fields

    There are 3 Additional Input Fields you can add to your Audit, Text Input Field Acts as a additional observation field Any character will be accepted Will have a separate Date & Time stamp Numeric Input Field Only Numeric numbers will be accepted (e.g: 3.5). Helps avoids errors during conducting…

  • Requirement Elements

    Requirements have 3 elements. These elements can be disabled/enabled and made mandatory. If made mandatory, the auditor will not be able to submit the assessment without selecting a score, adding an observation or adding an image, depending on which element has been made mandatory. You are able to set Requirement…

  • Daily Digest

    The Daily Digest email is a daily email which tells you what you have to do today and what is currently overdue. The email is extremely handy for keeping on top of all your deadlines for NCs, Tasks and Audits. In order to activate this feature: Navigate to Manage/Users. Select…

  • Sorting Scoring Schemes

    You are now able to sort scoring schemes like you can with lists. You can sort the scoring schemes via Name and Weight, you do this by selecting the title you want to sort. So selecting the Name title once will sort the list alphabetically(A-Z), and selecting it again will…

  • Date Input Field

    You are now able to have an additional input field set to a date selector/calendar. In order to enable this: In the Template Builder select “Add Input Field“. In the Dropdown Select “Date“. Enter in a Name for the Field. If you want to make the field mandatory, click the…