• Requirement Elements

    Requirements have 3 elements. These elements can be disabled/enabled and made mandatory. If made mandatory, the auditor will not be able to submit the assessment without selecting a score, adding an observation or adding an image, depending on which element has been made mandatory. You are able to set Requirement…

  • Daily Digest

    The Daily Digest email is a daily email which tells you what you have to do today and what is currently overdue. The email is extremely handy for keeping on top of all your deadlines for NCs, Tasks and Audits. In order to activate this feature: Navigate to Manage/Users. Select…

  • Sorting Scoring Schemes

    You are now able to sort scoring schemes like you can with lists. You can sort the scoring schemes via Name and Weight, you do this by selecting the title you want to sort. So selecting the Name title once will sort the list alphabetically(A-Z), and selecting it again will…

  • Date Input Field

    You are now able to have an additional input field set to a date selector/calendar. In order to enable this: In the Template Builder select “Add Input Field“. In the Dropdown Select “Date“. Enter in a Name for the Field. If you want to make the field mandatory, click the…

  • Date and Time Stamps

    You can now have the date and time the requirement and input fields were filled out. In order to enable this you: Go to the Template settings in the Template Builder. Select Reports Tab at the top. Deselect “Disable the Requirement Timestamps on the Completed Audit Report, Completed Audit Summary…

  • Percentage Deduction from 100%

    This Grading type will deduct the weights on the scores from 100, this means it is possible to be given a negative percentage. E.g If I have a scoring scheme which has Yes/No and No has a weight of 10 and I have 15 requirements the lowest possible score I…

  • Archive Non-Conformances

    Archive Non-Conformances raised in error, from within the completed audit report. Non-Conformances are now able to be archived in the Audit Report Template. In the report of a completed audit you will now see a Action button, select the action button on the Non-Conformance you wish to Archive. The dropdown…

  • Enable/Disable Scoring Breakdown

    This allows you to make sure you will only see what you want to see in the PDF report.You enable this in the template settings page of the template builder Select the Reports tab and scroll down to the option shown. Read the options available and select the one which…

  • External Document Link

    Add URL link to your internally stored documents on an audit template, allowing users to access the document while conducting without uploading to your AuditComply library. To do this you will need to go to libraries section Select the add to library button on the right hand side. Select the…

  • Requirement Tags Filter

    You are now able to filter the completed audit reports by requirement tags. In order to do this you must go in to the completed audit and on the right hand side select filter report. You will now see the filter options on the left hand side, scroll down till…