• Schedules

    The schedules API URL is designed to return a list of all schedules with the following fields: This endpoint can be accessed via the https://api.auditcomply.com/schedules/ endpoint URL. An explanation of the fields can be found below: id – The unique ID of the Schedule template – The Assessment Template which…

  • Audits

    The audits API URL is designed to return a list of all audits with the following fields: This endpoint can be accessed via the https://api.auditcomply.com/audits/ endpoint URL. An explanation of the fields can be found below: name – The name of the audit. id status – If the Audit has…

  • API Endpoints

    A list of current endpoints which can be used for the AuditComply API.

  • Custom End Point 1

    The custom endpoint 1 API URL is designed to return a specific subset of Audit data which contains the following fields This endpoint can be accessed via the https://api.auditcomply.com/custom/1/ endpoint URL. An explanation of the fields can be found below: id: The Unique ID of the audit on the AuditComply…

  • Bulk Move Assets

    You no longer have to move individual Assets one at a time, you are now able to bulk move multiple Assets at the same time, with this handy new feature. Follow the steps below to Bulk Move Assets Navigate to the Assets Page Select the ‘Actions’ button on the Asset…

  • Contact Self Assessment

    You are now able to assign/schedule Assessments to a contact on a supplier org.This feature will allow your suppliers to conduct self assessments, this is very handy if you want to ensure your supplier meets certain requirements or if you require extra information from your supplier at the start or…

  • How To Create and Manage An Asset

    How To Create an Asset Select “Assets” from your navigation bar. Select the ‘+’ beside the asset you wish to add a new branch to. This is known as the Parent Asset. When the asset creation modal appears, enter the name of the asset. Select the appropriate asset profile. Inherit…

  • Adding Asset Profiles

    To enhance the flexibility of our new asset structure, AuditComply has introduced “Asset Profiles”. This allows users to input custom information associated with a particular asset. For example, if an asset is associated with a Site or Department, users may add the address or phone number. However, if an asset…