
Conditions are a way to control the flow of the Audit while being conducted.

Think of them as a Flow chart : if a requirement is answered a certain way, it could split off from the normal flow and do something else.

There are 4 types of conditions you can select from

  • Hide – You can select as many requirements as you want and they don’t need to be concurrent.
  • Hide Range – You select a start position and then an end requirement and everything in between is hidden.
  • Go To – You select 1 requirement you want to go to, and everything up till that point is hidden.
  • Alert – An alert doesn’t have any effect on other requirements.

In order to set up conditions:

  1. Navigate to Templates.
  2. Select a existing Audit or Create a new one.
  3. Ensure you are in draft mode, if you are not, click “Create Draft” or “Edit Draft“.
  4. Click “Add Condition“.
  5. Select the Score you want this condition to be triggered on.
  6. Select what type of condition you want.
  7. Select the Requirements you want the condition to affect.
  8. Select Save Condition.
  9. If you are finished editing the draft, click “Publish“.

Example I have a requirement which says ‘Do I Conduct Paper Based Audits?’ If I select Yes it will continue on the normal flow but if I select No it will hide/Go To all the requirements relating to paper based Audits.

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