The audits API URL is designed to return a list of all audits with the following fields:
<str> 'name',
<int> 'id',
<str> 'status',
<str> 'additional_signature_print',
<str> 'additional_signature_position',
<str - URL> 'signature',
<int> 'asset_id',
<str> 'asset_name',
<str - Date> 'updated_at',
<bool> 'close_audit_enabled',
<str> 'latitude',
<str> 'signature_position',
<str - URL> 'report',
<str - Date> 'closed_at',
<str> 'closed_notes',
<str - URL> 'closed_by_signature',
<str> 'status_color',
<str - Date> 'completed_at',
<int> 'closed_by_id',
<str - Date> 'created_at',
<str> 'state',
<str> 'longitude',
<str> 'signature_print',
<bool> 'additional_signature',
<bool> 'compliant',
<bool> 'status_changed_on_close',
<str> 'device',
<str - Date> 'published',
<int> 'auditor_id',
<str> 'notes',
<Observation Array> 'observations',
<str> 'audit_result'
<int> 'question_id',
<str> 'question_text',
<str> 'requirement_identifier',
<NonConformance Array> 'nonconformances',
<CustomResponse Array> 'custom_responses',
<str> 'observation',
<str> 'recommendation',
<str - Array> 'responses',
<str - Date> 'observation_start_time',
<str - Date> 'observation_end_time',
<str> 'custom_dropdown'
<int> 'custom_option_id',
<str> 'field_label',
<str> 'field_value'
<int> 'nonconformance_id',
<str> 'status',
<bool> 'overdue',
<str> 'non_conformance',
<str - Date> 'complete_by',
<str - Date> 'approved_date',
<str - Date> 'created_at',
<int> 'assigned_to',
<int> 'assigned_by',
<int> 'approved_by'
This endpoint can be accessed via the
endpoint URL. An explanation of the fields can be found below:
- name – The name of the audit.
- id
- status – If the Audit has passed or failed based on grading used.
- additional_signature_print – Printed name of the second signatory. (if available)
- additional_signature_position – Additional signature user ‘title’. (if available)
- signature – URL link to first signature.
- asset_id – ID of the asset the audit is on.
- asset_name – Name of the asset the audit is on.
- updated_at – When the audit was last updated.
- close_audit_enabled
- latitude – The latitude of where the audit was conducted. (if available)
- signature_position – Signature user ‘title’.
- report – URL link to the generated PDF report of the audit.
- closed_at – When the audit was closed.
- closed_notes – Comment made on closing of the audit.
- closed_by_signature – URL link to audit closer signature.
- status_color – The color used by the audit’s status
- completed_at – When the audit’s requirements were all answered.
- closed_by_id – ID of the user who closed the audit.
- created_at – When the audit was created.
- state – The state in which the audit is currently in (closed, in review, ready to close etc)
- longitude – The longitude of where the audit was conducted. (if available)
- signature_print – Printed name of the first signatory.
- additional_signature – URL link to second signature. (if available)
- compliant – If the audit is compliant based on the grading used.
- status_changed_on_close
- device – Device type which the audit was submitted from. (IOS, Android, Desktop)
- published – When the audit was submitted.
- auditor_id – ID of the auditor user.
- notes – Submission Comments.
- observations – List of answered questions.
- audit_result – The score of the audit.
- question_id – ID of the question.
- question_text
- requirement_identifier – The decimal representation of the question. (eg. 1.1 for section 1 question 1)
- nonconformances – A list of NonConformances attached to this answers.
- custom_responses – A list of answers to custom response fields.
- observation – The text of the answer.
- recommendation – The recommendation text.
- responses – The response labels for the question. (eg. yes/no/compliant)
- observation_start_time – When the answering of the question was started.
- observation_end_time – When the answering of the question was finished.
- custom_dropdown – The value of the custom dropdown for the answer. (if available)
- custom_option_id – The ID of the custom response item.
- field_label – The name of the custom response item.
- field_value – The value of the custom response.
- nonconformance_id – The ID of the NonConformance.
- status
- overdue – If the NonConformance’s due date has elapsed.
- non_conformance – The text of the NonConformance.
- complete_by – When the NonConformance is due.
- approved_date – When the NonConformance was approved.
- created_at – When the NonConformance was created.
- assigned_to – Who the NonConformance is assigned to.
- assigned_by – Who the NonConformance was assigned by.
- approved_by – Who the NonConformance was approved by.