• Schedules

    The schedules API URL is designed to return a list of all schedules with the following fields: This endpoint can be accessed via the https://api.auditcomply.com/schedules/ endpoint URL. An explanation of the fields can be found below: id – The unique ID of the Schedule template – The Assessment Template which…

  • Audits

    The audits API URL is designed to return a list of all audits with the following fields: This endpoint can be accessed via the https://api.auditcomply.com/audits/ endpoint URL. An explanation of the fields can be found below: name – The name of the audit. id status – If the Audit has…

  • API Endpoints

    A list of current endpoints which can be used for the AuditComply API.

  • Custom End Point 1

    The custom endpoint 1 API URL is designed to return a specific subset of Audit data which contains the following fields This endpoint can be accessed via the https://api.auditcomply.com/custom/1/ endpoint URL. An explanation of the fields can be found below: id: The Unique ID of the audit on the AuditComply…