• API Filtering

    You can use the API to conduct basic filtering, reducing the datasets into a window of time, or per users/templates. You can also use multiple of these filter parameters per query. Please review the two updated endpoints below: Schedules: Template Name:  Param: ‘template__name’ Example: ‘template__name=Example’ URL Example: https://api.auditcomply.com/schedules/?template__name=Example Schedule to user: …

  • DataStores

    DataStores are a great way of importing large datasets into AuditComply. The use/function of these will be discussed in a different article, but consider them similar to Scores/Categories as pre-set response choices. Assuming you have a valid token, use this token to create/update a datastore at this endpoint. Use the…

  • Rate Limits

    Requests to the API endpoint will be limited to a maximum number per minute, per organisation. These limits are detailed below: 20 requests/minute Any requests after this will return a HTTP status code of 429, such as the following example: If a higher rate limit is required, please contact support@auditcomply.com

  • Retrieving Data

    Lets send a GET request to retrieve all audits conducted in your organisation. An example response for the previous curl command will be something similar to below (several fields have been hidden):

  • Get Started

    We offer a secure API that any organisation can consume and integrate into their own systems. This guide will detail the endpoints and the authorisation process how to consume the RESTful data. To get started – please email support@auditcomply.com with a username/email requesting this user be enabled with API access….