1. New Features

New Features

Score Due Date

  • When you create a new draft of a scoring scheme or a completely new scheme you will now see an extra option of ‘Non-Conformance Default Due Date’ this new feature allows you to set a severity to a score by giving a shorter due date to a more serve score.

  • Select edit on the score you want to edit.
  • Select the ‘Trigger Non-Conformance’ option.This must be enabled in order to have a default Non-Conformance due date set.
  • You are now able to set the due date you wish for that score.

Still not 100% sure why not checkout a video about the scoring scheme *link for video*

Numeric Input

  • Additional input fields can now be set as numerical input fields. This means that when conducting the audit on the iPad, the numerical keyboard will automatically appear, making data entry faster and preventing users from entering invalid data.

In order to use this you must first set the Input Field to be a numerical field(This does not affect the Text input, you are still able to add numbers and letters to the text field).

  • On a Requirement in the template builder select ‘Add Input Field’
  • Select the first box and a drop down will appear(Select ‘number’)
  • Enter in a name for the input box and select Save Now once you publish the template you will have a number only input field and on the ipad this will trigger the numerical keyboard to appear once the box is selected.

Still not 100% sure why not checkout a video about the Template builder elements *link for video*


  • When archiving a user, you can now reassign their schedules and/or Non-Conformances to another user. This ensures that no tasks are left undone and no issues slip through the cracks.

If you wish to keep the schedules activate but still want to achieve the user select the Next button without select any option.

If you wish to reassign schedules

  • Select reassign option.
  • Select the user you wish to reassign the scheduled assessments to in the drop down beside it.
  • Now select the assessments you wish to have reassigned.


  • Once you have selected the assessments, select ‘Apply’ to confirm these are the assessments you want to reassign to the user you selected.

Inprogress schedules

As these assessments have already been started by the user you are choosing to achieve you are unable to reassign them to another user or delete them. However you can Achieve the schedules.

NOTE:You can also leave the InProgress schedules activate and assigned to the archived user.This is done but simply selecting next at the bottom of the screen without selecting anything else:NOTE

  • Select ‘Archive Selected Schedules’ option
  • Now select the schedules you wish to Achieve.
  • Once you have selected the assessments, select ‘Apply’ to confirm these are the assessments you want to archive.

The above procedure is the same for non-conformances

here is a video walk through.

Requirement Tags Filter

  • You are now able to filter the completed audit reports by requirement tags.

1.In order to do this you must go in to the completed audit and on the right hand side select filter report.

2.You will now see the filter options on the left hand side, scroll down till you see requirement tags section and select the tag you wish to filter the report by.

3.View the report again and you will only see the requirements with that tag.

External Document Link

  • Add URL link to your internally stored documents on an audit template, allowing users to access the document while conducting without uploading to your AuditComply library.

To do this you will need to go to libraries section1.Select the add to library button on the right hand side

2.Select the new ‘Add External Document’ option which appears in the dropdown

3.When the modal appears enter in the information i.e name of document, version number, description and the URL.

NOTE:The url must start with HTTPS:// in order fo the document link to be valid:NOTE

4.Now when that document is attached to a template, the user will click on it and will be taken to that url.

Enable/Disable Scoring Breakdown

  • Individually enable or disable the scoring breakdown and scoring summary on a per template basis.

This allows you to make sure you will only see what you want to see in the PDF reportYou enable this in the template settings page of the template builder

Select the reports tab and scroll down to the option shown.

read the options available and select the one which is applicable to you.

Scoring Breakdown
Scoring Summary
Completed Audit Overview

Archive Non-Conformances

  • Archive Non-Conformances raised in error, from within the completed audit report.
    Non-Conformances are now able to be archived in the Audit Report Template.

1.In the report of a completed audit you will now see a action button, select the action button on the Non-Conformance you wish to Archive

2.The dropdown includes Manage Non-Conformance and Archive Non-conformance. Select the Archive Non-Conformance.

3.Confirmation modal appears and you are able to conform you wish to archive and add a comment to the archive action.

4.The Non-conformance should now be archived and is no longer on the audit report.