1. FAQ


How do I get access to the system?

Your system administrator will add you to the system in one of two ways.
You will be invited by email.
You will receive an email with an invitation.
Click on the link to accept your invitation and create a password.
You will then be able to log in.
They could add you manually, and then will give you your login details.

How do I manage my Non-Conformances?

You can manage your Non-Conformances on either the app or the desktop. On the app, any Non-Conformances that you need to take action on will be in your To Do list in the Non-Conformance tab. On the desktop, you will be able to see your non-conformances by clicking on “Reporting”, followed by “Non-Conformances”.

How do I build a template?

You will need to be an Admin user to build or amend a template. You can do this by clicking on “Templates”, and clicking on the relevant template from the list. You will need to create a draft to make changes.

How do I conduct an assessment?

On the app, simply click on “My Schedule”. Any in progress assessments, or assessments that have been scheduled for you will be available to resume or start from here. You can also start an ad hoc assessment by clicking on “New Assessment”, and selecting the relevant assessment from the list.

On the desktop, click on “Conduct Audit”. You can resume or start any in progress or scheduled assessments from this page. To start an ad hoc audit, select “New Assessment” from the left hand side of the screen, and pick from the list of templates.

I have forgotten my log in details.

If you have forgotten your username, you will generally be able to login using your email address. If your email address doesn’t work, contact your system administrator to find out your username.

If you have forgotten your password, click on the “Forgot Password” button on the login page. You will then be able to enter your email address. You will receive an email, allowing you to reset your password. Alternatively, or if you log in with a username as opposed to an email address, please contact your system administrator who will be able to reset your password for you.